Daniel Bomberger
Class of 2026
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Major: Philosophy, Politics, & Law
Other Activities: Kappa Alpha Pi Pre-Law Fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Emory Intermural Volleyball Team, and frolicking around campus (he’s a whimsical man)
About: Daniel had never heard of mock trial until someone at Emory hold him to join the team, but the team is super beginner friendly, and he has had an amazing time. His favorite memory from a mock trial tournament was forgetting to pack his dress shoes, meaning he had to discreetly switch shoes with a teammate mid-round so that the judges didn’t see. However, the other teams saw, and stared at them with a look of horror, which was priceless.
Columbia Regionals (February 2023) - All- Regional Witness, 17Δ